Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe

Our Support & More


Prayer Support

Spiritual Counseling


Weekly Love Messages

Vow Renewals

Our LoveMakers Foundation Facility

Nestled in Lake Arrowhead, California, the LoveMakers Foundation facility provides a peaceful and serene environment where LoveMakers can connect with love.

Live in Love!

Note that in accordance with local ordinances and in an abundance of caution, the facility is not currently open. We will notify you when the site is open again for gatherings. In the meantime, the LoveMakers Foundation events continue online.

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Our Board

Deborah Toyias Kozich


Deborah is a Certified Life Coach and has helped several hundred men and women achieve their life   …read more

David Kozich

Spiritual Leader

S. David Kozich is Chief Spiritual Officer for LoveMakers Foundation, a Non-Profit Spiritual   …read more

Sharon LaFlamme

Board Member

Sharon shares a sincere interest in supporting the LoveMakers Foundation mission. Through her work …read more

Absolute Love: The 12 Principles of Love in Life and Business

Reading Absolute Love: The 12 Principles of Love in Life and Business will expand your awareness of what Love is, and show you Love as the fundamental essence and energy of life.

Become a LoveMaker Member

Our Testimonials & More

” There is a freedom “

” I have been involved with the LMF for approximately a year. During this time, I have understood their message and mission is about Love and overcoming the paradigm of fear. The insights shared from various leaders, thought influencers, and icons accelerates their mission of love. There is a freedom and liberation to Love’s influence. “

Sharon Laflamme

 ” Dedicate their lives “

David and Deborah are two wonderful people who dedicate their lives to spread love around the world. Their dedication, persistence and kindness are a true example of how astounding these two lovely souls are. I am blessed and honored to be affiliated with them and being part of the LoveMakers Foundation. Love is the way. 

Danny Gautama


In the first book of the Jobi series, Job the Lab shares an important lesson about communication and love!

In the newly released second book of the Jobi series, Jobi the Lab shares an important message about love!

Listen to The Love Message

Our LoveMakers Members’

Love is beautiful, love does not hate

Danny Gautama

Love is a bit of a paradox

Karen Light

” Real Love is a journey of self acceptance

Royce Morales

The LoveMakers Foundation: Creating the Love Revolution. Love shall shift the world’s paradigm. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Learn to become a loving force in the world. LoveMakers members are people who live in love, share love, become love, teach love and receive love. LoveMakers Foundation is a 501 c (3) Religious organization and all donations to the Foundation are fully tax deductible. 

the mission

LOVE, Energy, innovation, excellence, and spiritual intelligence providing the world with a platform of infinite love, ideas, service, and spiritual products that will transform the planet to a place of love and peace.

LoveMakers Foundation is a “church non church church” whose purpose is to move the paradigm of the world from fear to LOVE. LoveMakers Foundation propels the radical idea of using LOVE as the key to human happiness and fulfillment and to use LOVE to find GOD and to create a world of peace, joy, and LOVE. Love will be used to connect all people to all religions.

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Our Blogs

Be a Hero

Be a Hero

Blog#LOVEmessages This week Steve David shares on The Essence of Heroism and how you can be your own hero by using spiritual Love as the catalyst for change. Even in a sideways world you can embrace love and be your own...