

When we reach the limits of our own strength, and Courage, something unexpected happens.

This week David shares an inspirational perspective on how to embrace love as the driving force where one can find reinforcement that comes from a source outside of ourselves. This week you will find that his powerful message will help you embrace Love as the driving force behind our efforts in building trust.

“Love: Overcome When Bad Things Happen To Good People”

You can overcome any obstacle…listen in to find ways that will support answering this often asked question.

We are here for you
We offer prayer support, spiritual counseling to support you in challenging times.

Reach out here
[email protected]

Join us in the Love Revolution…our mission is to bring Love to all in the world.

We believe that Love is the most powerful force in the universe. We believe that Love is the way to individual and world change.

Become a LoveMaker ask us how?

Together we are restoring Faith…helping all to have the will, power and understanding to overcome any obstacle…

#loveistheway #loveovercomes #howtoovercome #whenbadthingshappentogoodpeople #weeklyinspiration #prayersupport #spiritualguidance #loverevolution #will #overcomeobstacles

Rise Up: Overcoming Crisis Inspired by MLK

Rise Up: Overcoming Crisis Inspired by MLK

Blog#LOVEmessages In this powerful and uplifting video, we explore the inspiring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and how his timeless wisdom can help us overcome crisis and rise up to our full potential. Through a combination of self-improvement strategies and...

Love Is Blowin In The Wind

Love Is Blowin In The Wind

Blog#LOVEmessages Join us for this weeks Lovemakers Foundation Love message ... weekly Inspiration from our YouTube channel. Inspired by the recent Bob Dylan Movie A Complete Unknown "Love Is Blowin In The Wind" This week we want to bring extra Love and healing energy...

Love and Jesus Christmas Series (3/)3 

Love and Jesus Christmas Series (3/)3 

Blog#LOVEmessages This week, join both Steve David and Deborah for candle lighting in honor of Jesus' birth. Love and blessings to all. Merry Christmas Reach out to us for prayer support and spiritual counseling. Join us in the Love Revolution where building on the...

Love: Jesus and the Christmas Series (2/3)

Love: Jesus and the Christmas Series (2/3)

Blog#LOVEmessages In this special Jesus and Christmas Series, we invite you to join us on a journey of spiritual celebrations and holiday reflections. As we delve into the true meaning of Christmas, we'll explore the faith traditions that bring us joy, peace, and...

Love and the Jesus Christmas Series (1/3)

Love and the Jesus Christmas Series (1/3)

Blog#LOVEmessages Join us for Jesus and the Christmas Love Series . part 1 Here at we are about sharing Love's healing light and positive Christ energy with you. Join us on our YouTube Channel for weekly inspiration during this Holiday Season...

Stay Engaged!
