

This week David shares the power of the heart mind connection and a practice that will support you connecting at a deeper heart mind level. You will enjoy being a participant in this week’s inspirational Love message.

What to bring?

Yourself, your favorite journal or note book, and quiet space just for you.

Thank you to all LoveMakers gathering together in Love. Together, we feel the joy, the peace, the freedom to experience Love at a deeper level …our mission is to bring Love awareness to all hearts of the world, changing the worlds paradigm from fear to Absolute Love.

Love is the way… keep sharing Love’s light in all you do helping others experience this amazing heart mind connection too.

#loveistheway #lovemakersfoundation #weeklyinspiration #absolutelove #hearttouching #heartmind #changingperceptions #spiritualawakening #Davidkozich #spiritualhealing #affirmativeprayer

Just Don’t Seek Love: Create Love; Be Love

Just Don’t Seek Love: Create Love; Be Love

Blog#LOVEmessages This week David shares on how to not only seek Love but how to create Love and Be Love. You will experience life changing results...   #creativity  #loveinaction  #loveistheway  #lovemakersfoundation  #weeklyinspiration  #nonprofitorganization...

Everytime is the Time for Love

Everytime is the Time for Love

Blog#LOVEmessages This week David shares about how important it is for us to recognize that Love is everywhere and that everytime is the time for Love. Thank you for joining us here and for all you Love, dedication and support in helping us change the paradigm in the...

solar eclipse

solar eclipse

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LOVE Transcends Religion

LOVE Transcends Religion

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Stay Engaged!
