

 A loving perspective and positive thoughts shared to support you on your path in life to enjoy living and loving your life everyday .

#lovemakersfoundation #weeklyinspiration #love #poweroflove #thepathoflove #lifechanging #lifemeaning #allthatmatters #absolutelove #followjesus #humbleleadership #loveisforeveryone #loveistheway #loveisthemovement

Love: Martin Luther King Love and Beyond

Love: Martin Luther King Love and Beyond

Blog#LOVEmessages Christ's teachings Be inspired Feel the Love Seize the moment of happiness Love is the ultimate healing force Experience transformation and Liberation In honor of Martin Luther King, Tolstoy, Gandhi Love is the way to individual and world change....

How Love Overcomes Pain and Suffering 

How Love Overcomes Pain and Suffering 

Blog#LOVEmessagesOur weekly Love messages are meant to inspire Love as your energy source for embracing life, overcoming suffering and pain and be able to look at the big picture where Love Heals and is our highest energy source for enlightenment and loving direction....

Love: How To Heal Yourself 

Love: How To Heal Yourself 

Blog#LOVEmessagesThe birth of Jesus was the birth of the Love Paradigm. #chooselove #bringinthenewyear #loveistheway #happynewyear2024 #happynewyear #davidkozich #lovemakersunite Happy New Year from LoveMakers Foundation to all ... This week David shares Love you have...

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