

This week Lovemakers Foundation Chief Minister Steve David shares inspiration with you to help you during #uncertaintimes Be inspired by our weekly Love messages. Find hope, restore Faith, build confidence, overcome obstacles, build on the foundation of Love’s healing truth.

#loveistheway #prayer #prayersupport #poweroflove #loveovercomes #howtofindlove #changenow #changeyourmindset #changeyourlife #lovetransforms #overcomingchallenges

Love to all… in Honor of MLK

Love to all… in Honor of MLK

Blog#LOVEmessages In this powerful and uplifting video, we explore the inspiring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and how his timeless #loveistheway to individual and world change. Help us shift the worlds paradigm from fear to Absolute Love.#lovemakersfoundation...

Rise Up: Overcoming Crisis Inspired by MLK

Rise Up: Overcoming Crisis Inspired by MLK

Blog#LOVEmessages In this powerful and uplifting video, we explore the inspiring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and how his timeless wisdom can help us overcome crisis and rise up to our full potential. Through a combination of self-improvement strategies and...

Love Is Blowin In The Wind

Love Is Blowin In The Wind

Blog#LOVEmessages Join us for this weeks Lovemakers Foundation Love message ... weekly Inspiration from our YouTube channel. Inspired by the recent Bob Dylan Movie A Complete Unknown "Love Is Blowin In The Wind" This week we want to bring extra Love and healing energy...

Love and Jesus Christmas Series (3/)3 

Love and Jesus Christmas Series (3/)3 

Blog#LOVEmessages This week, join both Steve David and Deborah for candle lighting in honor of Jesus' birth. Love and blessings to all. Merry Christmas Reach out to us for prayer support and spiritual counseling. Join us in the Love Revolution where building on the...

Stay Engaged!
