Do not abandon Love, for it is the essence of your being and the light that guides your soul.
This week Steve #DavidKozich shares on the transformative power of how important it is to not give up on Love.
Our weekly messages are shared to inspire you to live your best life even during challenging times.
Like Jesus, Like Buddha, Like Jim Valvano …Never Give Up!!!
Restore your faith and build your Trust on how powerful LOVE is.
We offer prayer support and spiritual counseling.
Join us in the Love Revolution
Together we are shifting the paradigm in the world to Love. Transforming lives.
#teachersoflove #loveistheway #weeklyinspiration #enlightenmentjourney #enlightenment
#lovemakersfoundation #lightofwisdom #lightoflove #nevergiveup #lovelikeJesus #Buddha #JimValvano #Rumi
#loveoverfear #lovealwayslove #massivelove #loveenergy #lightupyourlife