

This week Steve David shares on The Essence of Heroism and how you can be your own hero by using spiritual Love as the catalyst for change.

Even in a sideways world you can embrace love and be your own hero.

Lets turn the world right side up with Love. #absolutelove

Spiritual Love transcends physical and emotional boundaries and fosters a sense of unity and purpose be sure to listen in to see how this kind of Love is so powerful it is capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.

Make a difference to Yourself and the world be a Heo of Love.

Filmed from #lasvegasstrong memorial garden where all are heros resting in peace #foreverstrong

Join us in the Love Revolution where everyone is a #HeroofLove

#believeinlove #hero #transformativelove #lovemessage #weeklyinspiration #loveistheway #lovemakersfoundation #loveheals #loveandcourage #lasvegas #lasvegaslife #staystrong #beyourownhero #herooflove #loveistheway #believeinyourself #believe #steadfastlove​

Stay Engaged!
